These (Extremely Unusual) Businesses Were A Shocking Success
Business inspirations can come from anywhere. Some companies were born from a childhood experience or a conversation in a pub. Others sought to solve a need. Their common thread is that they all found financial success with unbelievable products.
7. Lunar Registry
This business offers a chance to claim land on the Moon. Just like on Earth, the value of real estate depends on where you live. For instance, the Sea of Tranquility lists an acre as costing $37.50. While, an acre in the Sea of Vapors goes only for $18.95. According to their site, the money goes to “finance entrepreneur-based exploration of the moon.” Lunar Registry acknowledges they are not connected to the United Nations or any government. That might be an issue in the future.
6. Something Store
Everybody loves a surprise. For a mere $10, the Something Store will send your loved one a gift worth at least $10. The item sent is a surprise: both to you and the recipient. In the past, items have included measuring cups, a finger drum set, a Kindle Fire 7 tablet and a belly dancer belt.
5. Anger Room
Visit here and feel free to destroy rooms designed to look like an actual workplace or living area. The originator explains she grew up in Chicago and witnessed many violent crimes. Her goal is to offer people a safe place where they can release any pent up emotions.
4. Pet Rocks
Born from a conversation about how difficult pets were to take care of, Gary Dahl invented the “perfect pet.” He sold 1.5 million rocks at $4 each. Six million dollars later, he discontinued the product. These pets came with an instruction manual that offered suggestions on how to train your pet rock to “sit” or “stay.”
3. Real Estate For Nudists
Realtor, Jackie Youngblood, saw a need among practicing nudists. She specializes in properties that are nudist friendly. Youngblood was able to extend her visibility with a reality show on TLC called “Buying Naked.”
2. Hangover Helpers
These people cater to those who had too much to drink. They arrive with a Gatorade for you and will even make you breakfast. By the time they leave, your apartment will be spotless. All this, for only $20 per roommate.
1. Reservation For Heaven
This company specializes in those people that are not sure if they’re “saved”. For a mere $12.79, you can ensure a place in Heaven. The “Essential Travel Kit” includes a reservation certificate, an ID card, and an informational guide. Plus, there is a 100% money-back guarantee should St. Peter stop you from entering. Don’t laugh. This product was featured on Fox News, CNN, ABC and in the Washington Post.