You’ll Be Shocked At How Fast People Evaluate You Before You Ever Even Say Your First Word
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What is valued more in the professional world?
- Warmth (trustworthiness)
- Competence (respect)
If you answered the latter, you’re wrong.
#3 -Enlist A Support Team
A stylist can help you decide your most flattering look and help plan the photo shoot. They’ll also look at your own wardrobe to get a sense of who you are to borrow designer clothes and/or jewelry to complete your look.
#2- Make It Easy On Yourself
Do a complete photo shoot. Headshots, full body even family shots. You never know when interviewers will want a variety of photos. These photos can also become a part of your presence on social media.
#1-Perfecting Your Headshots
Here’s some hints:
- Hire a makeup artist and professional photographer.
- Use a professional stylist to help you pick out your wardrobe and accessories.
- Choose 2 looks: avoid black or white.
- Budget at least $500-$1,000 on what you’ll need
- Make sure you get .jeg and high resolution .tiff files. This way you can use them both in print and online.
In Summary
Here’s some hints:
- Hire a makeup artist and professional photographer.
- Use a professional stylist to help you pick out your wardrobe and accessories.
- Choose 2 looks: avoid black or white.
- Budget at least $500-$1,000 on what you’ll need
- Make sure you get .jeg and high resolution .tiff files. This way you can use them both in print and online.
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