Categories: Headshots Austin TX

5 Summer Must – Haves For Your Outdoor Photo Session

Let’s face it, when the thermometer hits 90 degrees the last place we want to be is far away from the luxury of an air conditioner. When faced with enduring the scorching outdoors in the summer, our pace quickens long enough to get us from the air-conditioned car and into the safety of a cool shelter. The idea of being outdoors for any length of time is torturous for Texans in the summer. But, photo opportunities especially when it comes to updating headshots and incorporating professional photos to enhance our professional image are sometimes too great to let the sweat steadily dripping down your forehead ruin beautiful shots. Beat the heat during your outdoor photo session with these things you should have on-hand when taking photos outside during the summer.

An outdoor refuge you can easily set-up

Shooting in an outdoor location far away from other businesses or places to seek refuge in the air conditioning? If you’re handy and truly committed to creating a refuge from the sun during outdoor photo sessions, you might be interested in this idea. A simple camping style pop-up shelter can give you a needed refuge from the sun, making it excellent for moments when you need to retreat. Some canopy fabrics even include UV protection and cooling technology. Bring along a couple of fold-up natural fabric chairs and some battery-powered fans and you have your own relaxing refuge from the elements for those moments you need a break.

Cold, cold beverages (and ice!)

Keeping your internal body temperature down can also halt the waterworks and keep you looking fresh and feeling more comfortable. The last we checked, looking sweaty in a photo is not the most attractive look, but it’s almost impossible to avoid during an outdoor photo session. So how can you stay hydrated, decrease internal body temperature and look great even when the sun is blazing? Water is, of course, the perfect hydration beverage but, you could try bringing along a cooler of crushed ice. Sipping on ice water or just chewing on ice chips will keep you feeling a lot cooler. If you are trying to keep your equipment to a minimal, throw several water bottles into the freezer overnight and then bring these to sip on throughout the day as they thaw.

Oil blotting sheets and extra makeup

In addition to keeping your internal temperature cool, it’s just as important to look fresh on the outside. Vogue magazine proclaims the virtues of blotting papers, a lightweight portable fix for a shiny face. These pocket-size sheets made from natural fibers like hemp and bamboo keep down on shine without wiping away your makeup. Some are even infused with essential oils or are formulated for different skin types. When the heat is so cranked up that your makeup just seems to be melting off your face, it’s good to carry a rescue makeup arsenal. Mineral based powder makeups are a good choice for holding up to summer heat. Also, a good translucent setting powder can extend the life of your makeover.

Portable Mister

Ever been misted on a hot, summer day? It’s a beautiful feeling. A cool mist on a summer day can revive your skin (and your spirits). While running through a sprinkler may not be an option – and probably not a great idea when you want to look your best during an outdoor photo session – opt for a portable spray bottle mister. For a light refreshing mist to the face that can actually help set your makeup, check out Elle’s top 5 list of cooling face mists. 


And of course, common sense dictates that we mention the obvious items that are essential to have on hand while spending time outdoors. You definitely don’t want to look like a lobster during your outdoor photo session or appear sunburnt in your photos that could be passed around to colleagues, at networking events or job interviews. A lightweight sunscreen will give you the peace of mind of knowing you can stay those extra minutes in direct sunlight without turning crispy. And although seemingly cumbersome, a parasol gives you the same protection that a wide-brimmed hat would do, without messing up your hair. 

Being well-prepared before starting your shoot can help to keep you focused on what you set out to do, getting some great profession photos from an outdoor photo session. Contact us today about updating your headshot or adding some gorgeous outdoor summer pictures to your portfolio.

Korey Howell

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