Branding Photography

How Branding Photography Helps Small Businesses

Don’t have branding photography in your budget? You should. Branding photography can put you on the fast track if you want to build a high-value, profitable business. 

Without it, your small business could struggle for years. You might not even reach the 5-year mark that spells the end for 95% of most small companies. 

Think about your own experience when you’ve sought to hire any professional. Which websites look the most professional and trustworthy? Those with highly professional photographs of the actual people involved in providing services to the business? Or those with generic stock photos (or no photos at all)? 

Rest assured, branding photography is an investment, and it’s a good one. 

People Do Business With People

People don’t do business with companies. They spend money with people they know, like, and trust.

While branding photography won’t generate instant trust, it will offer a chance to make a great first impression. It’s like saying hello at a party where you’re dressed just right, where you’re friendly, and where you’re approachable.

In a world full of Internet scams, branding photography also helps reassure potential customers and clients that you’re a real person with a real product or service to offer. 

Branding Photography Helps You Stand Out

Rising above the noise is the biggest challenge any business faces in the modern world.

Here in Houston, at least five other companies do what you do. Some companies have over 30 local competitors. Or 100. 

What distinguishes your stock-photo-heavy website from every bland, generic, thrown-together WordPress site? 

While branding photography isn’t the only step you can take to stand out, it’s one of the most important. It’s the difference between saying, “Hi, we’re an HVAC company in Houston, TX,” and saying, “Hi, I’m Jim, your neighbor here in Katy, and my team is here to take care of your HVAC issues.” 

Which company would you rather hire? 

This point goes double for freelancers, coaches, and consultants who may be trying to sell their services to large companies. In a world where everyone and their nephew claims to be able to fix your life, build your website, or write your content, it helps to stand out as a trustworthy professional in the field. 

Right away, you’ll communicate that you’re confident in your services and what you have to offer, and that’s a big deal. 

Branding Photography Communicates Professionalism

You show that you’re serious about your company. You’ve put a lot of yourself into it.

Photos of your team, hard at work, communicate competence and excellence. 

And while it isn’t fair, the fact that you had money to spend on professional photography tells clients you’re good at what you do without having to shout that fact from the rooftops, even if that money really came out of your seed funds. 

We respond to things that are sleek, pulled together, and impressive. That’s just how human beings are wired. You might as well work with that fact rather than against it. Visual cues help people make decisions, so give them a few to help them decide in your favor. 

We’ll help you showcase yourself and your team at your very best. 

Brand Photography Tells a Story

Humans respond to stories just as much as they respond to visuals. It’s a deep, ingrained instinct.

If you don’t know the story you want to tell and don’t take steps to suggest and tell that tale, then people will make up their own. The one they settle on might not be the one that gets your company hired. 

Tell a bright, exciting story. Choose a theme. Competence? Fun? Ease? Speed? Friendliness? Results?

The right story will depend on your business and may include elements of all these things.

At the end of the day, your photos should answer this question: “What’s it like to do business with these people?”

If you have a team, you can combine C-suite branding photos with workstyle photos to tell your tale. Personal branding photos are even more important if you’re a one-person organization. Every picture helps you demonstrate why you’re the right choice.

Any Business Can Benefit

Many people think “consultant” when they think of branding photography, but consultants aren’t the only ones who can benefit.

Anyone can. Accountants. Lawyers. Plumbers. Insurance agencies. It doesn’t matter what your company does. People go through the same conscious and unconscious processes when they’re attempting to make their choice.

Here at Korey Howell Photography, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses make great first impressions with lively branding photographs that invite their customers or clients to take the next step. 

Why not book your photoshoot today? You’ll love the shine great photography puts on your small business

Korey Howell

Published by
Korey Howell

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