Categories: Tips

5 Reasons to Update Your Headshot

#5 You Got Tricked by Your Boss

For many people the fear of having a photo taken of themselves ranks up there with public speaking and skydiving, so your employer may have tricked you by bringing in a “professional” to shoot your images for free or cheap! We know you get what you pay for and you won’t make that mistake again! We make your photo session fun and you will love the images we produce, together. Heck, we even make the process so painless you will still have the time and enthusiasm to hit the golf course or make it to happy hour.

#4 Your Out-of-Date Headshot Reminds People of the Good Ol’ Days

You know your Business Headshot is due to be updated when people keep making 80’s references while communicating with you. It’s really not so “hip to be square.” A current headshot communicates that you are in touch with current changes in your industry and are ready to bring your new clients to the next level.

#3 You Were Recently Laid-off/Fired/Down-sized/Right-sized/Etc.

We’ve all seen the effects of this “new” economy and it’s not pretty. At least it looks like the worst is behind us, so TODAY is the day that you make the decision to invest in your future. A fresh and updated image from Korey Howell Photography gives you an advantage over the person that isn’t ready to hit the ground running. Your new employer can use the image for press releases, trade magazines, speaking engagements, marketing collateral, personnel files, I.D. cards and more.

#2 You Can Use it on Facebook™

Frankly, we know you’re probably going to use your new professional photograph on your business Web site but, you may also want to show off your new look on your social network profiles such as: Facebook and LinkedIn. That’s great, we encourage you to do so. We have hundreds of clients that are using our images for personal and professional usage. We knew you wore that special outfit for
a reason!

#1 You Want to Increase Your Client Base

Get your face out there, pound the pavement! Get busy networking. Update that website and get your new business cards printed. Updating one’s current business headshot then USING it on every piece of marketing material they have is the first step for many successful professionals take to increasing their client base. You need to feel confident in your business image and be ready to hand out cards at networking events.


Korey Howell

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