Quit Making These Marketing Mistakes (That You Didn’t Even Know You’re Making)

Sales are a “hit or miss.” Learn from your mistakes and move on. Some errors are more prevalent than others. Recognizing (and avoiding) these should help boost your sales:

7. Failure To Ask How A Prospective Client Found You

The simple question, “How did you hear about us?” provides a number of benefits. First, it lets you know what method of advertising works best for you. Second, it provides a clue about your intended client’s habits. Are they looking for more information by reading your blogs or did they click directly to a pricing page?

6. Know The Difference Between Enthusiasm And Aggression

The latter is a turn-off. Prospective clients may interpret you as being cocky or zealous. The goal should be serving as an advocate for your customer. No one likes a bully.


5. Don't Shy Away From Expensive Solutions

Some problems demand a higher price. Don’t debate your pricing strategy. Instead, explain the value of your pricing. Communication is key here.

4. Slow Response Time

Whether you communicate via e-mail, telephone or social media platforms, address questions or concerns promptly. If you can’t respond quickly in real-time, consider an automated message. At least the caller knows you received the message. Follow through with a real phone call ASAP.

3. Failure To Take Advantage Of Mobile Sales

A study by consulting giant, Deloitte, found that the average person checks their smartphone 46 times per day. Leverage that to your sales advantage by using such products as eSignatures to close deals anywhere in the world.

2.Not Updating Your Automated Messages

Update messages to make them relevant and timely. Check for automatic e-mail messages for spelling and grammar errors. Remember, these words reflect your business.

1. Failure To Give Meaning To Your Statistics

Statistics are a great way to define your business, but they must be meaningful to the prospective client. How do your stats help solve your customer’s problem?

Korey Howell

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