Advice for Young Women Entrepreneurs

1 year ago

Many people start businesses for different reasons. It is quite common for parents to start a business in order to…

5 Amazing Women’s Networking Groups in the Austin Area

1 year ago

Austin is a city where smart, ambitious and confident women feel as if they can conquer the world. It's also a place where…

4 Simple Ways Women Can Build Executive Presence

1 year ago

According to a 2016 study presented by Kauffman Index Startup Activity; Women make up 40% of new entrepreneurs in the…

5 Summer Must – Haves For Your Outdoor Photo Session

1 year ago

Let’s face it, when the thermometer hits 90 degrees the last place we want to be is far away from…

Highlight Your Professional Development with an Updated Headshot

1 year ago

  So, you are moving up in your career. Working long hours taking those extra courses paid off and now…

Personal Branding: The Importance of a Business Owner Image

1 year ago

Business owners often overlook the importance of personal branding. As the owner of a business, whether big or small, you are…

Why You Need a New Headshot When Searching for New Opportunities

1 year ago

Human resources professionals will ask you a variety of common questions during your interview, and two of those questions are…

6 Ways Texans Beat the Heat During the Summer

1 year ago

Here in the heart of Texas, the stars at night may be big and bright, but so is the sun…

How to Survive Outdoor Professional Photos in the Texas Heat

1 year ago

  From June through September the average high temperature in Austin reaches over 90 degrees. Anyone who has lived through…

8 Hot Tips for Summer Networking Events

1 year ago

It’s summertime and while students everywhere are settling in for a break, adults are getting ready to do some of…