These Entrepreneurs Want To Help You Have The Most Productive Month Yet

These 6 entrepreneurs got together to give you some ideas about what works for them.

Six Tips You Should Do Today To Make A Better

  • Make a list of goals monthly. Look for patterns and what priorities may have changed.
  • Set aside a time to be strictly task orientated. That may mean returning phone calls or answering emails.
  • Don’t forget to exercise. It’s a great way to promote well being, even if you do it for only short periods of time. It should be a part of your daily preparation.
  • Be disciplined with your exercise. It can give you a sense of progress that can get lost in the everyday scheme of things.
  • Take a step back. It really drives efficiency.
  • When conflicted, picture yourself in 10 years and think about what you wished you would have done.


Korey Howell

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