Breaking Your Workaholic Addiction In Four Easy Steps

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Are you in love with your job? That’s great … as long as it’s not affecting your personal life and doesn’t lead to burnout in your job. If it’s time for you to take back your life, here’s what to do.

4. Change Your Expectations

That doesn’t mean to compromise your quality of work. Rather, consider how you work and your hours of working. Then, improve your productivity accordingly. Devise a plan how you can complete your workload in less time.

3. Quit Being A Perfectionist

Again, this doesn’t mean that your work quality should decrease. Realize there is no such thing as perfection. Aim high in your career but not at the expense of other aspects of your life. Stop obsessing over success. Develop a plan with realistic steps and work at those.

2. Look At The Total Picture

Finding balance in all facets of your life should be a priority. Consider what activities or stresses drain you and fix what’s wrong. Experts now suggest that multitasking isn’t nearly as efficient as completing one task at a time.

1. Make Your Health A Priority

If you don’t take care of your body, it doesn’t matter how well you do your job. Eventually, your work will suffer. Eat well, exercise, take breaks and get a good night’s sleep.

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Korey Howell

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