Awesome Ideas For How To Stay Healthy Through Work Lunches

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We’ve all been through them. Working lunches (or breakfasts, or sigh … dinners).  After a while the donuts and pizza gets old.  What’s a healthy person to do?  With time, you may find out your influence will change your company’s eating patterns.

BYOW (Bring Your Own Water)

Bring your own water …. wherever you go.  This not only helps you stay hydrated but can help you avoid the soda or juices (that are full of sugar.)  If water is a bit too bland for you, mix just a bit of juice in it.

Supply Your Own Snacks

Get in the habit of bringing your own snacks.

Nuts can be a nourishing and filling option.

Fruit can provide a bit of sugar in the middle of the day, a natural pick-me-up.

Watch Your Portion Size

Sometimes, you may not have an option for what to eat.

In these cases, watch your portion size.

You don’t want to insult your hosts, but you don’t have to “pig out” either.

If Given A Choice, Choose Healthy

Sometimes, you may not have an option for what to eat.

In these cases, watch your portion size.

You don’t want to insult your hosts, but you don’t have to “pig out” either.

When Meeting At A Restaurant

If you have a choice of restaurants, pick one that you know provides some healthy options.

If not, make sure you watch portion sizes.

Don’t be afraid to ask if a restaurant has a particular food or if they can make using a particular method.

Restaurants are often willing to go out of their way to accommodate their patron.

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Korey Howell

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